Ghelma was born on January the 1st, 1947 started by a “guy” born in 1899, Mr. Giuseppe Ghelma (picture to the side), as small mechanic workshop.

Later on, the founder leaves the management and the continuation of the activity to two other “guys” grown in the workshop and taught directly by him.

In the 70s the building housing the small original business is no longer fit for the growing working needs. Therefore the workshop moves to the present seat in San Pietro Mosezzo becoming one of the first enterprises in the present industrial zone.

Given the economic develpoment of Novara's area and thanks to the many collaboration with the surrounding companies, the business grows and expands more and more with modern technologies becoming the beautiful reality it now is.

Ghelma also changes from the corporate point of view, moving in the 2000s from S.N.C. to the present S.R.L. . It also includes as new partner one more “guy” grown inside the business.

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